Imagine a new structure, tactic or form for the ‘use’ of the earth or living ‘with’ the earth. Execute it.
ideas: KEYWORDS. main list
(separate thingies for expanding on ideas!!)

''use of'' and ''living with'' the earth:
arent we using and living with the earth anyhow?? -> are we maybe just not aware(!!) of this??? is there a way to make people
more aware or is that not necessary?

are we taking earth for granted?
we're treating earth as _ours_.
should we be more mindful of the way we treat it (yes!), should we be giving back to the earth more (yes!!!), should we respect our own relationship with the earth and nature more (YEAH).

how to get this point across?? ->>>

- exploring and researching the connection between man and the earth. energy work! meditation (yay! spiritual crap!),
grounding exercises.
- creating everyday (practical?) objects out of nature?
- finding a way to link earth, our use or experience with it, with social issues.
- we use earth fucking plenty, maybe find a way we can be of any use to the earth. give back! give back! plead for forgiveness! make it right! its dying guys!! we're dying guys!!! its going to shit!! lets fucking do something about it!!
- groene energie?

earth and the way we treat it, our relationship/connection to it, MINDFULNESS,
not taking the earth, life, for granted.

'living with' the earth. making it bearable for everyone? (equality???S?`/s/.??/)(whaatttt) finding a way for human and nature to co-exist without us destroying everything?
find a way to contribute.
we depend on earth's recourses to survive, we are ethically bound to take care of the environment.

tiny warning for anyone reading all of the below: im jutting down a lot of nonsense and internal monologue too so this might all be very weird and make no sense! have fun!
bambi van balen,

dreamwork = ''the exploration of the images and emotions that a dream presents and evokes''
dreaming whilst asleep but also! daydreaming!, going into a dreamstate, dreamspace, to kind of explore your mind and get to know urself better (getting to know ur subconscious).
lucid dreaming? (guided) meditation?
working through trauma by dreaming.

personal experience:
starting to remember my dreams more and more now that im kind of mentally focussed on them and after writing them down sometimes. realising things that still subconsciously bother me a lot while i dont think about them that much when awake.
guided dream-meditation with bambi: lots of emotions, scary. things i still need to work through.
tea was nice though, it was a cool experience and id like to dive deeper into the subject, facing this stuff means healing from it too (what im also doing with my emdr therapy, lots and lots of mental work).

reclaiming dream space
inspiration :0
mirror barricade
keep asking yourself questions, process is more important than the end result, document everything.

''how can we think about ...?''

- relations to ancestors
- indigenous culture
- climate, sustainabilty

edgar calel: ''words have limits''
''that is why i bring music to share my feelings with you, my ancestors who are no longer in this dimension of matter''

gideon jamie: street reports (the book with all the seats and thrash cans)

we are one and the same.
humanitys total lack of care for nature and climate: make them feel, make them empathise. make people realise we are connected,
our veins and the roots of a tree etc.

(re)connecting with earth.

nature and the way we use it can also be:
- medicine
- paganism

respect for nature, dive into indigenous culture and pagan practice.

audiovisual experimental style? short docu? lots of layering, music, lights.

-> nature as never ending cycle, like the seasons and the years and the growing and growing again and growing again and again and again until it stops! nature, climate, earth, as a clock that goes round and round and round forever until it fucking breaks. make a video, smash a clock with a hammer. time is up. action or die.

citra sasmita
16/4 thema's:

- discover and travel the world
- back to yemen
- leven op een plek waar je van houdt met mensen waar je van houdt
travel the world: buiten je eigen bubbel, andere culturen, nieuwe ervaringen.

ontdekken wie je bent wanneer je alleen bent en uit je normale dagelijks leven bent

naar anderen luisteren en jezelf laten horen
misschien vage shortfilm verhaal over klok vertellen?????? AAAAA
ik wilde iets doen over het verkennen van de relatie tussen mens en natuur en iets in de vorm van een shortfilm, ik wilde iets doen van een filmpje waar je soortvan de cyclus van de natuur aangeeft, die van de seizoenen die steeds opnieuw blijven komen en gaan en de natuur die groeit en vergaat en groeit en vergaat en die cyclus representeren met een klok, dan wil ik die klok uiteundelijk stukslaan met de tekst ''time is up'' en actie
ik vond travel the world erg interessant omdat ik veel interesse heb in het ontdekken van nieuwe culturen en ook ontdekken wie je zelf bent als je alleen bent en je eigen bubbel uit stapt, ook hebben andere culturen een andere manier van omgaan e. relatie met de aarde en vond ik de verbinding tussen mens en aarde erg interessant
vooroordelen omdat ik daar zelf veel ideeen over heb en dat zelf ook wel vaker meemaak, het is een breed onderwerp en gaat ook over de relaties tussen mensen wat ik ook erg interessant vind
jezelf door anderen leren kennen en ontdekken